segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008

Meeting at the Lençóis Maranhenses

Last weekend, ADRS Managers, SEBRAE Technicians and AETRE Members got together on a meeting in Barreirinhas, Gateway of the Lençóis Maranhenses discussing the improvements of the Rota das Emoções. On that occasion, they discussed planning, new market strategies and issues concerning the Tourism Promotion of the Route. The meeting of the AETRE (Association of the Entrepreneurs of the Rota das Emoções” took place, Friday 16th of May in the evening and the meeting assembling all involved parts happened the following day, May 17th at the SEBRAES quarters. Further than the meetings, it was an occasion to get acquainted with the surroundings of the region, villages and small cities, revealing the unique enchants of the area covered by the Rota das Emoções. In the pictures we have a register of the participants and the steps to get there! That’s it for now!

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