quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2008

Camocim and Pinto Martins

Recently in Camocim was launched the book “The History of Aviation in Ceará” written by Augusto Oliveira and Ivonildo Lavôr. To homage this occasion, the Secretary of Tourism of Camocim planned a special programming in honour of its most notorious aviator: EUCLYDES PINTO MARTINS, the first aviator to fly commercially the route EUA x Brazil with a hydro biplane offered by the newspaper "The New York Word"! The journey started on September 4th 1922 and ended on February 8th 1923. The program included aircrafts demonstrations, awards for the 1st Literary Contest in parallel to the launching of the book. Camocim City Hall has instituted the 15th of April as the day to render homage to Pinto Martins. Camocim, located between Parnaíba and Jericoacoara features an untouchable naturalistic heritage as Tatajuba Beach, Torta Lagoon, Funil Dune, Maceió Beach and much more. Running along the Rota das Emoções, you will have plenty of marvellous and preserved places like those ones for you to discover. In the pictures you see one of the authors, Augusto de Oliveira, dressed as an aviator, Lilia Silveira from the ADRS and the descendent of the Aviator, Euclydes Pinto Martins. The other pictures show you fishing boats of Camocim.

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