terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008

Technical-Cultural Visit of Infrastructure Ministers to Barreirinhas

Good News!!! On May, 16th, Infrastructure and Transport Ministers from all over Brazil were visiting work sites in Barreirinhas. Those works are extremely important in order to final implementation of the Rota das Emoções. On the occasion they visited the local airport and also the rough of the BR402 Road. This visit was part of the 7th National Transportation Council Ordinary Meeting. “We, as part of this project, are very enthusiastic with that, for we had other eyes overlooking our issues” The Government of The State of Maranhão lectured over the State’s Transportation and Logistics Plan, focusing on the importance of the opening of the BR402 linking the cities of Barreirinhas and Parnaíba, compounding the Rota das Emoções and of major importance in linking the three member states: Maranhão, Piauí and Ceará. Now is just a matter of time waiting and working for the development of the project!!! Bye for now!!!

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